One of our clients faced with challenges in obtaining accurate field reports due to the voluminous activities of over 4,000 tasks and multiple packages to be completed within the planned shutdown window of 40 days. To do so effectively, JML architected a mobile application ‘J-STORM’, aptly referred to Shutdown, Turnaround, and Outage Resource Management.
J-STORM captured the granular level of details, encompassing on-field activities including progress updates, resources deployed, constraints at the interval every 30 minutes, etc. This smart application allowed the team to further dissect the data collected, perform analytics as well as generate meaningful reports such as the progress of earned value in the form of S-curve, delayed activities and lookahead plan.
JML launched the application on a pilot basis with a plan to roll out across all our projects by customising the features according to the scope of each project. Since the data is captured and stored in the cloud, it can be monitored from a remote location and deposited in data bank for future proposals and estimation. Through this cutting-edge application, we continue to validate the enabling of technology to raise our competitiveness—in this case by marshaling field project data value map in our operation.